
Republicans and Impeachment

* I am repeatedly embarrassed by my political party, Republicans.

When there are so many more important government concerns, i.e.: economy (banking, Y2K, trade), education, worldwide cooperation/security, environment/resources/conservation, and immigration and assimilation, they spend taxpayer funds investigating/prosecuting bedroom issues. We appear idiots to the rest of the world. Mike Luckovich’s Oct. 8 time bomb cartoon (global economic crisis) sums up my opinion. Thank you!

I will not change my political affiliation when I vote Democratic this November. How else can I send a message?


Santa Ana

* The integrity of over 200 years of our American government has been compromised by our current president. In November I am voting all Republican.


After millions of taxpayer dollars spent and as much valuable time wasted, if this president makes it through an impeachment to serve out his term, then I have lost all faith in our government as it is today. I will never vote or serve as a juror again. Our voices are not being heard. This administration has made a mockery of everything moral and decent and the American people are the brunt of this joke. Bill and Hillary Clinton have publicly damaged the institution of marriage (among numerous other things) and have set a bad example to not only their daughter but the future generations of our children.

Clintons, we’re tired of you both; take your side show act back to Arkansas and let the American people get their dignity back.


Running Springs

* Re “Impeachment Inquiry OKd,” Oct. 9:

Congress, in its power, has chosen to ignore the polls, which clearly indicate that the majority of the people in the United States do not want the president either to resign or to be impeached.


Can it be possible that “this government of the people, by the people, for the people” is about to perish from the Earth? Or perhaps it already has.


Huntington Beach

* It’s a good thing that our Constitution was written when it was by our Founding Fathers and was not left to our current crop of politicians.



* Re “Starr’s Office Let Tripp Give Details to Jones’ Lawyers,” Oct. 11: Kenneth Starr has spent four years and $40 million not so much investigating a crime as arranging for one.




* Re your Oct. 11 article: At last. Definitive proof that Hillary Clinton was wrong about the “vast right-wing conspiracy.” Between the Federalist Society members and the connections between the notorious right-wing law firms involved, it’s simply a “vast right-wing coincidence.”


West Hollywood
