
Road Rage

* Re “Mourning a Victim of Road Rage,” Oct. 7: The death of Arnold Guerriero is a tragedy and I send my condolences to his family. Road rage is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. People have a tendency to act out of anger, which most of the time results in confrontations that can be fatal. From experience, a confrontation with an absolute stranger is like bungee jumping (you won’t know if the cord will snap unless you jump).

To everyone who has a car, truck, van, or motorcycle: Do not test the limits of others, unless you are ready for whatever may come your way!


Los Angeles

* Decades ago Southern California roadways were friendly and courteous. Let us redeem some good from the shocking and deplorable road rage story of the transplanted New Yorker who was hit and dragged under a car over a ridiculous traffic dispute, by remembering to just tap, not blare, our horns if a driver needs prodding or has become inattentive, and to answer such a reminder with a friendly and contrite wave. That’s all that’s needed.



