
That Cuba Tour

Lighten up, everyone! [Alisa] Valdes-Rodriquez wrote the funniest piece I’ve read in a long, long time (“An Accidental Island Tour,” March 30). I sent it on to my kids in Chicago and they, too, thank you for the laughter. I know I’ll keep my eyes out for the Valdes-Rodriguez bylines in the future. Someone who can communicate their observations with such humor provides a wonderful break from the sadness of this old world! Thanks, Alisa! Don’t let the nitpickers get you down.


San Clemente

I recently read an article by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez that described the Cuban men as perverts, star-struck and the country as a “The Lord of the Flies” production. Being a journalist myself and a Cuban (not half), I couldn’t believe The Times would publish such garbage. Or was it a joke? Perhaps it was a personal vendetta against Woody Harrelson, who was in fact visiting Cuba as part of the Cuban Festival. I was so glad he responded to her insults with such class. (Two thumbs up for Woody.) After reading this article, I suggest The Times send someone with a little more knowledge of the country, its history and the music that has been preserved even with the Communist oppression that dominates the island.

