
Birds Inspire Fond Memories, Colorful Flights of Fancy

I read with interest your report on parrots in Orange County (“Birds of Paradise,” March 27). Over the years, folks in these parts--Los Alamitos--have questioned my veracity when I told them of seeing yellow-green parrots.

I have lived in Los Alamitos for 25 years, and I am quite sure I’ve seen the parrots every year, usually in the spring. They seem to be attracted to the abundant chinaberry fruit and juniper pods in the neighborhood.

Years ago, there were a few spotted, four to six; then, each year, the few became a flock numbering 20 to 30--squawking and munching away.


I’ll clip the article and tuck it away to use when I’m told, “You’re touched in the head,” when I tell about seeing yellow-green parrots in Orange County.


Los Alamitos


“Birds of Paradise” brought back two pleasant memories:

A couple of months ago, in late afternoon while walking toward a parking lot 4 at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, two large green parrots swooped by me. The contrast of these beautiful tropical birds silhouetted against the domes of Units 2/3 was a golden moment that left me awe-struck. I have since learned that a colony of parrots resides in a nearby San Clemente golf course.

Your article also reminded me of a long-ago column by Jack Smith, where he described a feisty green parakeet that had joined a flock of sparrows near Smith’s Mt. Washington home. I remember his delightful description of how the parakeet was obviously the ringleader of the flock.


I hope these exotic yet adaptable birds continue to thrive in Orange County.


Laguna Niguel
