
Stella Adler & Co.

It was with great interest that I read the article on the Stella Adler Theatre and Academy of Acting and Irene Gilbert and Leonora Schildkraut (“After 50 Years, It’s Still a Class Act,” by Diane Haithman, Jan. 31). I had the unique experience of working with these two women during the initial years of operation in the new facilities and couldn’t agree more about their enthusiasm, energy, commitment and, most important, integrity.

One of the reasons the space works so well--for students, faculty, productions and audiences--is one of the finest theater architects that L.A. has to offer: John Sergio Fisher.


Los Angeles


That was a provocative neighboring last Sunday of theater articles about Jerzy Grotowski (Theater Notes, by Jan Breslauer) and Stella Adler (which included her disagreement about Stanislavsky as interpreted by others). The wonderful, beautiful and inspirational Adler! The shy, volatile and sensitive Strasberg! And both equally adept at reducing actors to jelly.


It is tiresome to know that the disagreement about their Stanislavsky interpretation continues after 75 years. It is my belief that Stanislavsky desired (as expressed in his books) that actors encompass the principles of both Adler and Strasberg. Actors: Take from both and also adopt Grotowski’s open mind.


Los Angeles
