
With Rise in Cigar Smoking, FTC Proposes Warning Labels

<i> From The Washington Post</i>

Alarmed by a dramatic increase in cigar consumption, particularly among adolescents, the Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday proposed applying the same advertising and labeling restrictions to cigars that now govern cigarettes and chewing tobacco.

Citing medical evidence of the health risks of cigar smoking, the FTC called for specific, rotating warning labels on all cigar packaging and advertisements.

The FTC also called for a ban on all cigar ads on television and radio.

As a matter of tradition, the FTC first asked Congress to enact legislation requiring the labels. But FTC Chairman Robert Pitofsky made it clear that the agency would consider imposing the warnings on its own if Congress fails to act, “because I do think a warning is the right thing.”


Pitofsky said the FTC began considering warning labels after the National Cancer Institute issued a report last year about the health risks of cigar smoking. The report found that regular cigar smoking, like the use of other tobacco products, can cause oral, esophageal, laryngeal and lung cancers.

The FTC suggested three warnings be attached to cigar packaging and ads:

* “Cigars are not a safe alternative to cigarettes.”

* “Regular cigar smoking can cause cancers of the mouth and throat, even if you do not inhale.”

* “Inhaling cigar smoke can cause lung cancer. The more deeply you inhale, the greater your risk.”
