
Actor to Perform St. Patrick’s Story

Green beer, bagpipes and shamrocks mark St. Patrick’s Day in America. But who was this Saint Patrick for whom the holiday--which comes on Wednesday--is celebrated?

The patron saint of Ireland is best known for converting the Irish to Christianity in the 5th century. Kidnapped as a 16-year-old boy in Britain by pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland, he chose the priesthood upon his escape.

He then returned to Ireland as a missionary and, according to legend, with a shamrock in hand, persuaded a king to allow him to travel freely through the land to convert its Druid priests and people. According to legend, among those converted was the former master who enslaved him.


It is said that not only did he help build more than 300 Irish churches but that he also bestowed the practice of written literature. Since then, the Irish have long celebrated his feast day on March 17. The first St. Patrick’s Day celebration recorded in the United States, where the holiday has assumed a secular form, was in 1737.

Actor Roger Nelson will help Orange County celebrate the saint’s life when he performs “The Confession of St. Patrick,” his spiritual autobiography, at United Methodist Church in Yorba Linda at 7 p.m. today.

Child care will be provided. Irish scones and other refreshments will follow the performance. The church is at 19002 Yorba Linda Blvd. Information: (714) 777-2885.
