
Women and Domestic Violence

* Re “Wife Held in Husband’s Killing,” Feb. 24.

It is certainly ironic that a woman in today’s society has to go that far for our society to pretend that it is concerned about a woman’s plight against a man’s abuse.

Of course, now that the situation has destroyed her family and her life we are all concerned--but we are concerned only as far as the eye can see, only when there’s no out, only after someone dies.

The O.J. Simpson trial supposedly opened society’s eyes to the abuse and terror that a woman can go through. Yet it seems society is only interested if the tragedy provides some sort of media circus. No one cares to hear our 911 calls or hospital reports that go on forever.


I am one of the lucky ones. I am serving yet another prison term due to an abusive relationship that resulted in a criminal history of fraud.

The power of an abusive man is indescribable. To save my life I have destroyed a career and become stuck in the system from hell. No one cares why I got here, they can only tell me to get help. Who do we turn to?

The story of Gladis Barreras Soto is so common where I am. Ironically, if we had drug addictions everyone would say, “Poor women! Get them help.”


Let’s face it: Victims of domestic abuse are becoming more numerous, yet help is lacking.

I decided that I have nothing to lose in addressing this issue and asking for your help because where I am today is not where I’d like to be for life, and if no one helps me there will be no life for me. Because domestic violence is real; the fear that’s instilled in me is unbelievable.

I want help but where do I turn? I ask not only for myself but for the thousands of women who endure the pain and suffering who are afraid to say, “Help me!”


California Correctional

Women’s Facility

