
Weather Station

This is in reply to Mark Adams’ letter (“Cool Summer,” Sept. 15) as to the impact on temperature statistics of moving the downtown weather station to the USC campus from a DWP location.

DWP hydrographers record weather observations at several locations, including the L.A. Civic Center site that formerly was also home to the Weather Service’s reporting site. Our statistics for the Civic Center show cooler than normal temperatures this summer--specifically 2.9 degrees cooler than normal in June, 1.2 degrees in July and 2.7 degrees in August.

Adams is correct in his suspicion that the move to the USC site affects the statistics. The new station was not in operation during June, but it was an additional 1.3 degrees cooler in July and 1.1 degrees cooler in August than DWP’s site at the Civic Center.



Hydrographer, L.A. DWP
