
New Women’s Center Feted at Health Fair

Hundreds of women received free screenings and attended lectures Saturday at “Women’s Wellness Day” at Northridge Hospital Medical Center.

The health fair also served as the official opening of the hospital’s women’s center.

Hospital administrators said an older wing was reconfigured to accommodate the new center, which cost more than $500,000.

The services offered at the center for women patients include blood pressure, breast cancer and osteoporosis screenings.


Hospital officials, realizing there was a demand among middle-age women in the Valley for more services, decided to devote a wing to female-related health issues.

“We found that many women want more information about diseases or afflictions they may face,” hospital spokeswoman Andrea Bogdan said. “The center also gives them a centralized location, so they don’t have to run from one building to the next.”

Physicians also will coordinate patients’ care. Whether they need a mammogram or an ultrasound, women will be linked to a designated doctor to help supervise their individual needs.


The hospital began providing services in January but waited until Saturday to officially open the center in conjunction with the health fair.
