
League’s Preschool to Hold Open House

To celebrate its 40th anniversary, the Assistance League School--the only certified private special education preschool in the county--will hold an open house Dec. 11.

A group of parents of special-need students founded the school in 1958, and two years later the Assistance League accepted full responsibility for the facility. Since then, more than 500 special education students have received educational and therapeutic assistance at the school, said spokeswoman Eileen Ely.

Assistance League School has been certified by the state Department of Education since 1981. Its staff includes special educators, a speech/language pathologist, an occupational therapist and support personnel.


About 75% of the school’s budget is funded through tuition received by referring school districts. The remaining 25% comes from Assistance League fund-raising activities.

The open house will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the school, 1310 Fremont Way, Oxnard.

For more information, call the Assistance League chapter at 643-2458 or the school at 485-0068.
