
Stay-at-Home Mom Should Shush, Reader Says

I guess working moms must be too busy trying to hold it all together at home and work to waste time wallowing in analysis of their role in the world and whether ‘tis nobler to stay home and change poopy diapers or punch the clock. In her Jan. 16 column, Vicki Iovine states that she believed her real job was at home with her kids for as long as they needed her and that she began to wonder if things were changing when the kids loaded themselves into the SUV.

Once and for all, why can’t women who stay home just do it and shut up about it. Those of us who need to work are fed up with the wailing and whining and self-righteous proclamations of stay-at-home moms. Incidentally, the stay-at-homes tend to portray their decisions to give up working as noble. It sounds like a no-brainer in the case of Iovine. Someone, after all, was making those SUV payments. Oh, would that we could all have such tough choices in life.


