
Caught Between Money and Morality

Re “Evictions Split Up Group of Developmentally Disabled,” May 10: When searching for reasons for the moral decay in America, why compassionate acts of kindness are so rare, one need look no further than the Arbor Park Apartment Homes in Anaheim. It is no less than shameful that the evictions of these developmentally disabled people are happening. These are people who should be recognized for their courage and resilience in the face of daily challenges that typical people take for granted. These are people who have met their responsibilities and have forged a community that is both supportive and social. To have them kicked out on the street for a lousy 150 extra bucks a month is morally reprehensible. Yes, the landlord has a capitalistic right, an American right, to charge the most for his property, but surely there is some greater reward in helping out another human being. For if that is not the true reason why we are here, then what is?

Eddie Kehler

Redondo Beach


I completely support the Anaheim motel owner challenging city restrictions on the length of stays at motels (“Crackdown on Motels Spreading,” May 11). Limiting how long one can stay at a hotel/motel reeks of discrimination for those less fortunate. I worked for four years at two very prominent hotels in Los Angeles where it’s not unusual for celebrities to take up residence for a couple of months while shooting a film or for a college student to live out of a luxurious suite for a semester while his or her rich father foots the bill.

Peter Gicas

Los Angeles
