
Joining the Jet Set for $109,000 Per Year

So you don’t have the $6 million you need to buy a small jet? No problem. It can be yours for just $109,000 a year, and that includes the aircraft and the crew.

As an alternative to chartering a plane or other so-called “fractional ownership” plans, Marquis Jet Partners of New York recently began offering travelers 25 hours of flying time a year, “wheels up to wheels down,” as Marquis CEO Alan Clingman says. The plane is available 24 hours, seven days a week, with 10 hours’ notice.

The plan, called the Marquis Private Jet Card, is a bit like a flying timeshare, Clingman says, but with one important difference: A jet is available when you want it so there are no messy arguments over who gets, say, Memorial Day.


Larger jets are available and cost up to $329,000 a year for 25 hours.

Marquis is affiliated with NetJets, a company offering fractional jet ownership whose fleet of 400 planes Marquis uses. (NetJets, in business for about 15 years, requires buyers to make a five-year commitment and also charges an hourly rate.) For information: (212) 499-3790,
