
Headliners Elbow News Onto Page 6

James Pinkerton, in his May 30 commentary, “Apocalyptic Tales Can Come True,” speaks of a West Bank militant who confessed to planning to add cyanide to suicide belt-bombs, and in the same paragraph he mentions the theft of 10 tons of sodium cyanide near Mexico City. Considering that some of those barrels of cyanide had not yet been recovered [they were reported found Friday], I find it astonishing that you buried your story about the stolen cyanide on Page 6 while giving prominent front-page coverage to the renewal of “The Osbournes” series on MTV.

You are the major daily of the country’s second-largest city and yet you continue to behave as if you’re People magazine. Avoiding the link between cyanide thefts in our own backyard and possible terrorism is bad enough. But burying this article on Page 6 is simply irresponsible journalism.

Anthony Blake

Woodland Hills


I confess that I too am a sometime viewer of “The Oz-burns,” a reality-based sitcom about a satanic-lyric-laced rock star, his media-savvy wife, their two (of three) teenagers and their marauding horde of fluffy lap dogs: What’s not to like here? But, hey dudes, save the entertainment news for your Calendar section. Or is The Times so concerned about “growing readership” through “strategic rebranding” that you’ll stoop to a tiresome magazine-stand cover stunt like “Surreality TV Triumphs: ‘Osbournes’ Is Renewed”?


If so, here’s a few freebies to try: 1) “Hair Loss: Early Warning Signs for Children”; 2) “Wow! Check Out My Granny’s Abs!” 3) the “New Sexy Summer Yardwork Yoga!” or 4) “What Your Man Thinks When He’s Thinking.”

Steve Simpson

Mount Washington
