
Hospitals Sickened by Corporate Care

I am saddened but not surprised over health-care giant Tenet’s decision to close Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital (May 30). I volunteered there for three years and was heartened by the high quality of care provided and by the compassion demonstrated by the dedicated staff--particularly the intensive care nurses--in the face of dwindling reimbursement and corporate takeover rumors.

At a dinner party about a year ago, I met one of Tenet’s reorganization executives who, at that time, was working on the purchase of Marina and Memorial hospitals. He addressed my concerns regarding the importance of maintaining Marina Hospital for our community with a patronizing: “We would never hurt the community!” I suppose health-care executives are following the lead of politicians--sharks in nice suits. God forbid anyone gets bitten without an emergency room nearby.

Kristen Pratt Machado

Los Angeles
