
Pride in Fullerton Helped Pass School Bond

Re “School Bonds Need Matching Funds,” March 7:

After a challenging election in which voters were asked to approve three bond measures in the Fullerton, I would like to thank Fullerton for its outstanding support. Fullerton voters supported bonds with their votes, their money, volunteer hours and endorsements. This city is proud of its schools. Each school site will have renewed vitality because of that pride.

Mayor Don Bankhead endorsed the bond issue and actively encouraged others to support it. Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher and state Sen. Richard Ackerman recognized the documented needs of the Fullerton schools and gave their encouragement and endorsements.

The Fullerton School District appreciates your vote of confidence. An oversight committee is being formed according to state guidelines.


Principals, teachers, employees, parents, board members, business owners, civic leaders and others joined together to affirm that Fullerton remains the “Education Community.”

Cameron M. McCune


Fullerton School District
