
A Day of Prayer and Exultation

From Associated Press

President Bush chuckled Thursday as a minister marked the National Day of Prayer by asking God for “unprecedented unity in Congress.”

At an event that had the air of a Christian revival, 200 people said “Yes!” and “Amen!” through a series of prayers and songs in the East Room of the White House.

Thunder rumbled outside as Bush said, “A great people must spend time on bended knee, in humility, searching for wisdom in the presence of the Almighty.”


Bush stepped up his efforts after Sept. 11 to reach out to non-Christian groups, and he has assigned White House aides to court Jewish and Muslim voters. Yet the event was almost exclusively Christian. Bush and his wife are Methodists.

A choir sang the Christian anthem “Amazing Grace,” an opera soloist performed Mozart’s “Exultate Jubilate,” and two Christian pastors offered prayers praising Bush for living his faith. It did not appear there were non-Christian religious leaders there; the White House said it did not have a list.

“What a blessing you are to this nation, by your witness, by your commitment,” said Daniel Coughlin, the House chaplain.


“Today, along with millions of Americans, we pray for nothing less than a spiritual awakening in America and an unprecedented unity in Congress,” said Lloyd Ogilve, chaplain in the Senate, which Democrats narrowly control and where several Bush proposals have stalled. Bush’s chortle could be heard above the laughter.

“My husband and I find strength in the word of the Lord, and we realize the power that prayer has in our own lives,” Laura Bush said. “I’m truly blessed to be married to a man who’s strong enough to bear the burdens and humble enough to ask God for help.”

Prayer, the president said, “sweeps away bitterness and heals old wounds. Prayer leads to greater humility and a more grateful spirit. It strengthens our commitment to things that last and things that matter. It deepens our love for one another.”
