
Added attractions

We here in Jefferson, Texas, were so delighted to see the article written about our little city that featured Kathy Patrick and the Pulpwood Queens book club. Mary McNamara captured the essence of the location and the ambience provided to each visitor here. Kathy Patrick is always a “goodwill ambassador” for our city.

We are sorry there wasn’t time to visit all our attractions and unique diversions, such as my Living Room Theatre -- a small, 30-seat theater operation in what was once my living room (literally). The building is an 1869 building -- one of the few originals still standing -- that is my townhouse as well as my theater where I do original, one-woman plays and other performances on a year-round basis. We would be happy to have McNamara back or anyone else from L.A. and show you our other great attractions!

Marcia Thomas

Jefferson, Texas

In addition to being proprietor of the Living Room Theatre, Marcia Thomas is artistic/managing director of the Opera House Theatre Players, “the theater with no home, but in our 15th year.”
