
Golden or dull?

“Sideways” was a nice little film, but the fact that it led all Golden Globe nominees [“Dark Horses and Desperate Wives” by Robert W. Welkos, Susan King and Elaine Dutka, Dec. 14,] testifies to the fact that this has not been a good year for great films.

In fact, the film pales in the shadow of Alexander Payne’s true masterpiece, 1999’s “Election,” arguably the best comedy of the last decade!

Jack Wolf



I was delighted to read of the Golden Globes nominations of William Shatner and James Spader from my new favorite show, “Boston Legal” [“Spader and Shatner: Partners in Mischief,” by Lynn Smith, Dec. 14]. The show is quirky, delightful, smart and witty.


After losing my NBC “Friends” and my HBO girlfriends, I thought I would not find characters as engaging. But once again, David Kelley and his minions have succeeded in creating something unique.

Marsha Pasarow Schiff

Los Angeles
