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Updated through Sunday
Largemouth bass: Lake Casitas is hosting a big-fish parade as lunkers stir 15 to 40 feet deep after recent trout plants. Mike Vergini, Granada, took a 13-8, 10-0, 9-9, 9-5, 9-3, 8-0, and 7-0 over two days last week while Farrell Lindsay, Oxnard, took 11-8, 7-0, 6-0, and 5-0 on swimbaits. At Castaic Lake, top anglers report releasing up to 50 fish to 8-0 daily on live shad, shad-type lures or spoons. Erik Kawamoto, Lake Forest, landed 20 fish to 12-0 on shad. At Lake Silverwood, plenty of fish 4-0 to 8-0 attack 9-inch plastics or swimbaits. Alex Ochoa, Riverside, took a 4-8 and 9-0 while throwing swimbaits from shore. Lake Perris is improving for fish to 8-0 from the east end, the island, the marina and dam.
Trout: Tough, breezy conditions at the Christmas Tournament at Santa Ana River Lakes on Saturday did not stop anglers from taking limits. Guadalupe Ortiz, Pomona, took an 18-8 -- top fish for the tournament -- while top fish last week was the 25-pound chunk Jimmy Suchi of Anaheim took on Nitro Bait. Shore anglers at Irvine Lake are doing well on the west end while boaters take fish most everywhere else. Suzanne Wiley, Los Angeles, took a 9-10 on a Rapala. Easy limits await anglers at Hesperia Lake; Mark Whitney, Apple Valley, took a 14-0 on an orange worm. Good fishing at Laguna Niguel Lake for anglers using Power Bait, mini-jigs, or inflated nightcrawlers.
Striped bass: Fish to 20-0 are in a feeding frenzy at Castaic, especially near the marina, hitting many of the same lures largemouth bass chase. Top catches: Robert Killoy, Castaic, a 21.3 striper; Rick Westfall, Palmdale, four fish to 15-3 pounds; Joe and Aaron Brown, Valencia, teamed for 40 fish and largemouth bass on live shad. Action is less robust at Silverwood, but the fish are bigger, up to 40-0.
Catfish: A fair to good bite persists at Hesperia Lake, where Guy Derkert, Riverside, caught a 17-0 on shrimp. At Lake Murray, David Cook, San Diego, took a 24-2 on mackerel by the buoys. At Buena Vista Lakes near Bakersfield, anglers took several fish to 35-0 from Lake Webb on frozen shad. Decent fishing persists at Irvine and Santa Ana River lakes. Santiago Carillo, Anaheim, took at 15-0, at Santa Ana while Ronson Smothers, Los Angeles, took seven fish that weighed 84-0.
Rock cod: Limit-style fishing at most landings as sculpin comprise the bulk of the action. Thirty-six anglers aboard the Freelance, Davey’s Locker, took 203 rockfish, eight sculpin, and seven whitefish Saturday. Thirty-two anglers aboard the Pursuit, 22nd Street Landing, took 181 rockfish, 160 whitefish, 25 sheephead, 15 bonito and seven calico bass on Sunday. Fourteen anglers aboard the Patriot, Newport Landing, took 70 rockfish and 55 red snapper on Saturday.
Sand dabs: Wide-open fishing for these small, tasty flounder-type fish awaits anglers fishing sandy bottoms in deep water. Twenty-three anglers aboard the Sea Angler, 22nd Street Landing, took 1,050 sand dabs, 139 rockfish and eight sculpin over the weekend.
Bass: Calico and sand bass action is slow as fish 3-0 to 7-0 hang around breakwaters and kelp paddies.
Yellowtail: Private boaters report yellowtail breezing around San Clemente Island, but live squid is tough to find, so anglers are taking few fish. The bite could explode if squid arrive.
Albacore: Private boats working 95 to 120 miles southwest of San Diego find some albacore. The fish come in two sizes: 6-0 to 10-0 and 20-0 to 40-0.
Trout plants
Locations: To be stocked this week, weather permitting: Little Rock Reservoir, Puddingstone Lake (Los Angeles County); Cachuma Lake (Santa Barbara); Casitas Lake, Piru Lake (Ventura); Glen Helen Park Lake, Yucaipa Lake (San Bernardino); Cahuilla Lake (Riverside); Chollas Park Lake, Cuyamaca Lake, Doane Pond, Lindo Lake (San Diego); Avocado Lake, Kings River below Pine Flat Dam, Pine Flat Reservoir, San Joaquin River below Friant Dam (Fresno); Hart Park Lake, Kern River-Between Lake Ming and Hart Park, Lake Ming, Lake Woollomes, Truxton Lake (Kern); Bass Lake, Eastman Lake, Hensley Lake (Madera); McClure Reservoir (Mariposa); Kaweah Lake Reservoir, Success Reservoir (Tulare).
An extensive and updated fish report is available Thursday at