
What About ‘The Anarchist’s Cookbook’?

Re “Almanacs Put on FBI Watch List,” Dec. 30: Seems to me the FBI is focusing too narrowly on suspected terrorists carrying almanacs. It could broaden the search by including anyone carrying Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, a set of encyclopedias (a big bag is needed for that), atlases, globes, the latest edition of Who’s Who, telephone directories, a complete set of the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature (a really, really big bag is needed for that) and any other reference works.

Abraham Hoffman

Canoga Park


I’ve always wondered whether I would recognize a terrorist if I had the bad fortune to encounter one. Would I be alert to his furtive manner? The wires protruding from his shoes? But no! Presciently, the Inspector Clouseaus at the FBI have pinned it down. Look for a world almanac under his arm! Who knew?

Lorraine Gayer

Huntington Beach
