
Schwarzenegger Gets Propositions Passed

Regarding the passage of Propositions 57 and 58 (March 3): Arnold Schwarzenegger has finally given a performance worthy of an Oscar in his latest role, as governor. It’s too bad for the citizens of this once-great state that the script he went from was not for the role of a responsible governor. His sleight of hand in pushing these bonds will unfortunately resonate for many years, long after he is gone off to a comfortable retirement.

Annie Ayala Jelnick

Huntington Beach


The Republican way: Let the kids pay.

Joseph Grodsky

Los Angeles


Schwarzenegger was clearly electioneering as a TV news crew filmed him in his polling place in Brentwood. After voting, the governor was shown telling another voter to “make sure to vote yes on 57 and 58.” This is a misdemeanor under California state law. The L.A. County registrar of voters must investigate this matter.

Paul Marsden

Garden Grove


Once again, a large majority of Californians have been duped; and all it took was big bucks and the airing -- thousands of times -- of a commercial featuring a popular Republican governor and his Democratic sidekick senator. Time will tell if those who voted for Proposition 57, as well as the rest of us, will be happy with the results of the new indebtedness. Wall Streeters, including the California branch, undoubtedly are gloating over the huge return they’ll be receiving from their investment.


Joseph M. Ellis

Woodland Hills
