
The artist in his Zombie period

Re “House as Art, Dig?” [Jan. 20]: I always knew that I would hear about Josh Agle’s creative life as he continued to evolve. In the 1980s, I had the honor of employing Josh and his twin brother, Travis, in my picture framing shop in Irvine. I was trying to balance a career in picture framing while being a psychologist and a mother to a preschooler.

I was always afraid that I would lose Josh to his art career or to the Swamp Zombies, until I heard the Swamp Zombies perform at the Sawdust Festival in Laguna. We did not appreciate the Swamp Zombies the way their fans did.

I thought I was safe keeping Josh as a manager of the frame shop. I was wrong. The Swamp Zombies toured the nation for about a year. Luckily, I had sold the shop to Josh’s family. I never could have kept it going without him.


Janice Hunt

Anaheim Hills
