
What’s on your iPod?

During workouts, music keeps you going. But the same musical style doesn’t work for everyone.

Jason Shepley

Age: 32

Occupation: Writer

Home: Hollywood

Gym: Groove Fitness

Listening to right now: De/Vision

Exercise music: ‘80s and synth-pop; “I don’t think you could lift weights to Pink Floyd.”

Why music is important: “A lot of times you have to drag yourself to the gym.... [Without the music] I would have fallen asleep at the treadmill.”


Michelle Wong

Age: 26

Occupation: Account executive

Home: Miracle Mile

Gym: Meridian Sports Club

Listening to right now: Britney Spears’ “Toxic”

Exercise music: Hip-hop, dance music (Mary J. Blige, 50 Cent, 2 Live Crew); “whatever’s hot on the radio.”


Why music is important: “You can definitely go the distance when you have music.... It’s also a stress-reliever for me.”


Evan Lawrence

Age: 24

Occupation: Director’s assistant

Home: Miracle Mile

Gym: Meridian Sports Club

Listening to right now: Foo Fighters’ “In Your Honor” [album]

Exercise music: “Generally hard rock, something that’s going to motivate me to lift harder and harder”; AC/DC, Linkin Park, Eminem, System of a Down.

Why music is important: “It’s a way to push myself and drown out the distractions.”


Arash Binafard

Age: 29

Occupation: Textile sales

Home: Hancock Park

Gym: Meridian Sports Club

Listening to right now: Basketball game

Exercise music: “If there’s no sporting event I want to watch, I listen to rock, I listen to rap ... something that keeps me going.”


Why music is important: “It gets your mind off of doing the workout itself ... makes it much easier.”

-- Kevin McCullough
