
Loving L.A. -- not Los Angeles

Re Richard Kyle’s letter, “The Joys of Living in L.A., Which Is Not Los Angeles” [Weekend Feedback, May 12]:

I agree!

Those of us in laid-back la-la land, a.k.a. L.A., don’t take ourselves as seriously as those in “Los Angeles.” They are different places, although they occupy the same geography. We “very L.A.” people, living in L.A., don’t need the pompous formality of those in “Los Angeles” -- and I dare say in “San Francisco,” where “Frisco” is not allowed.

Everything happens in L.A. first -- good and bad. The world watches us, in many disciplines, to see how we work it out, before they copy us. The romantic “L.A.” state of mind is emulated around the world, making us the center of the universe.


Don Manning

