
U.S. sovereignty and Mexico’s actions

Re “Mexico, the meddling neighbor,” Opinion, Nov. 8

Mexico is interfering with America and our position on illegal immigration. Illegal aliens, according to Mexico, have every right to be in America; if we complain, we are racists, according to that corrupt regime. This part of America was taken from them; they deserve it back and will take it back through a population explosion.

It appears the balkanization of California will play itself out. Now we have an idea why Mexican flags fly with impunity in America. Shame on our politicians for ignoring this severe problem.




Heather Mac Donald forgets one thing: Before we came to the U.S. and kicked them out, all Mexicans were here legally.





Mac Donald’s objection to the Mexican government’s donation of books to U.S. schools is a clear case of looking a gift-horse in the mouth. She cites an example of one history book but ignores the scores of other well-written and beautifully presented books of literature, mathematics, science and geography donated by Mexican consulates.

Instead of bashing their contributions of educational materials, we should thank them and encourage other countries with immigrant populations in the U.S. to follow Mexico’s lead. We need more educational materials that engage children and adults in reading and thinking. And why should we fear children learning that history books can be written from many points of view?


Los Angeles
