
Putting equal pressure on Israel, Palestinians

Re “To hurt or help Hamas,” editorial, May 24

If it is legitimate to withhold financial aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian government until it recognizes Israel and rejects terrorism, why not apply the same restriction to the more than $3 billion the U.S. grants Israel every year -- to withhold this large sum until Israel recognizes a Palestinian state in all of the West Bank, accepts the World Court decision that the wall inside the West Bank land is illegal and applies the Geneva Convention in place of its prejudicial and repressive treatment of the native Palestinians? How about some pressure on both sides?


Eagle Rock


Although it makes sense for the U.S. and the European Union not to support Hamas, it is important to have good judgment in not letting innocent people starve and die because of a lack of medicine. The Palestinian people are the first ones affected by the embargo. The lack of resources will only breed violence because many will join extremist organizations for lack of other options. This siege on Palestinians is a humanitarian catastrophe that will only deepen divisions and hostility. To agree to the unilateral settlement proposed by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is as one-sided as accepting Hamas’ non-recognition of Israel. To have a two-state solution that includes the end of the occupation, there needs to be a dialogue between both parties.


