

This section is all about you, your hometown and the way you choose to spend your time in it. It’s a center of creative energies and stylish achievement, where

what the rest of the world thinks of as tomorrow’s trend or next season’s look is already a fact of life. It’s a region of great distances and great diversity and of countless fascinating neighborhoods, each with something compelling to offer -- from high-end restaurants to dive bars, from museums to hole-in-the-wall galleries, from world-class arenas to gritty clubs.

That’s why The Guide has replaced Weekend in your Thursday Times, where you’ll also find a new edition of Calendar geared to film (Calendar’s the new home too of our popular “Tell” column). As your lives got busier and more demanding, and as entertainment choices went through the roof, we realized our readers needed a trusted advisor to help navigate the many pleasures of Southern California.


For that reason, we’ve only included the best of the city’s entertainment in our listings. For complete listings, you can still go to And when The Guide’s new, more comprehensive online companion debuts shortly, you’ll be able to search not only by activity, but by neighborhood as well.

Like our region, The Guide will be a work in progress, constantly changing along with your needs and tastes. That’s why we hope you’ll let us know what you think -- not only about this new section, but also about what you’ve discovered as you go about the serious business of enjoying yourself in this captivating city.

Mary Kaye Schilling

Editor of The Guide and
