
Celebrity focus

Re “Name recognition,” July 11

Imagine my relief when I realized that, according to the nation’s fourth-largest paper, I should no longer be concerned with global warming, energy prices or the tanking economy but rather with paparazzi taking pictures of three kids at a local high school. How else to rationalize the front-page photo and center headline?

Apparently, the fact that celebrities’ kids are playing football and having their pictures taken affects the daily lives of everyone.

I’m pretty sure we were all dangerously unaware of this situation. Thanks to The Times, we can now prepare for the coming difficulties we will experience at an Oaks Christian game.


Is there nothing else more important right now than the vital statistics of Joe Montana’s son or the ridiculous cost of sending a kid to that school? Are people this shallow? I thought The Times was above this sort of thing.

Chris Roberts

Thousand Oaks
