
Confirmed: There was grilling

It was a challenge this week wrestling revealing details from GOP Sen. John McCain’s aides about the candidate’s Memorial Day powwow at his spread outside Sedona, Ariz., with several potential vice presidential candidates -- Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

One aide disclosed -- strictly on background -- that the group went on several hikes despite the rain. They also cooked tenderloin Friday and watched McCain show off his skills grilling chicken and ribs for his guests Saturday.

If there were bonding moments with any of the three, McCain certainly wasn’t telling.

He insisted at an appearance in Beverly Hills this week that he was still “at the beginning of the selection process.” Pressed about whether any of the three men would make a good vice president, McCain was bland: “I’m sure that there are many Americans who would make good vice presidential candidates,” he said.



-- Maeve Reston
