
‘Manor’ matters

Re “Chico and the ‘Manor,’ ” editorial, Aug. 30

I found it interesting that you noted the zoo’s collection has become more of a “troupe than a collection” and reminded us of some of the zoo’s past public relations nightmares. But after noting the popularity of the TV show “Meerkat Manor,” and the comments of those who want the zoo to get Chico the meerkat a new companion, you side with the zoo’s officials and conclude that it is more “scientific” to let the aging, dentally challenged meerkat live out his days at the zoo alone.

Rather than encouraging the continued shortsightedness of the zoo’s officials, you really should be encouraging them to find ways to capitalize on the popularity of the animals they have to generate some goodwill for a change. Getting Chico a companion would be a good place to start!

Susan Baker

Los Angeles
