
So long to caffeinated alcoholic beverages? FDA will ban them, one senator says

Caffeinated alcoholic drinks that have been making college kids sick on campuses in several states may not be around much longer -- if news report of their proposed demise are correct.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who has supported such a ban, reports Tuesday on his website that the Food and Drug Administration plans to ban caffeinated alcoholic drinks like Four Loko and Joose as an “unsafe food additive to alcoholic beverages.”

The statement also says the Federal Trade Commission will tell manufacturers that selling these unsafe alcoholic drinks is illegal. Check out Schumer’s entire statement here.


But the FDA and FTC aren’t commenting, the Associated Press reports. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal says the makers of top-selling brand Four Loko said they will remove caffeine and other stimulants from its fruity-flavored alcoholic drinks. Four Loko has up to 12% alcohol in a 23.5-ounce can.

The drinks have been linked to sickening students at college campuses in several states and have been banned in four states. Here’s what two college students had to say about their experience with the drinks.

And fans already are reacting to news of a proposed ban by putting up an R.I.P. Four Lokos page on Facebook.
