
Sarah Palin emails: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Alaska firefighters

In the summer of 2008, wildfires were raging in California, and crews of Alaska firefighters, experiencing a slow season in their state, were helping out in the Lower 48.

Alaska State Forester John Maisch shot a note to Natural Resources Commissioner Tom Irwin and a few other colleagues about Alaska pitching in, and attached a photograph of Yukon firefighters posing with then-California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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Irwin forwarded the photo to Palin: “Governor, you will enjoy this. Alaska firefighters helping in CA.”

“I’m jealous!” replied Palin. “(Not to be w/Arnold, but to be w/our fire crew!)”

Irwin asked her permission to share her note with his fire crews. “They would love it,” he wrote. “No pressure.”


The governor replied: “Of course! They rock!”

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