
Letters to the Editor: The Texas mall shooting was another typical day in our gun-happy, violent country

Two protesters hold signs calling out gun violence
Two teen protesters hold signs outside a prayer vigil after the mass shooting on Saturday in Allen, Texas.
(LM Otero / Associated Press)

To the editor: Another average day in the United States. We are a gun-happy, violent society with too many leaders who choose to do nothing to reduce the carnage caused by guns.

Matt Giorgi, Brea


To the editor: As a fan of Ward Sutton’s spot-on political cartoons, I marveled at the rare prescience of his latest, “Gun violence-response apps for Republicans,” that appeared in The Times this weekend.

The cartoon’s first frame shared words prefacing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s trademark response to news of each successive shooting tragedy in his state: “Our hearts go out...” Needless to say, Abbott said nothing to propose sensible gun control measures.


On Saturday the Allen, Texas, mall massacre transpired. Which left Abbott to resort to his de rigueur “our hearts” dodge — with no mention of taking steps to control the ever-worsening gun violence epidemic.

P. Jane Weil, Sacramento


To the editor: Thank you, Texas. Thank you, red states and your governors. Thank you, Republican representatives in Washington. Without your asinine logic and heartless decisions, the populace would not understand that you couldn’t care less whether we live or die. Thank you, SCOTUS, for interpreting a centuries-old document that references weapons of another age and applying your special-interest-influenced rulings that result in a senseless body count.

Without all of you “leaders” we would still think that we live in the greatest country in the world. Instead, we know without a doubt that we live in one of the most evil, backward-thinking nations on Earth. This dubious distinction is well earned because you have the power to end this carnage but instead you refuse. Thanks for nothing.

Rod Lawrence, Los Angeles


To the editor: In America are we so jaded, callous and “blind” that we continue to accept the slaughter of innocent people. Every day we hear of another shooting — at a mall, a clinic, a school. It has become commonplace, the norm.


Gov. Greg Abbott dismissed gun control as a quick solution that won’t solve the problem. He feels that addressing mental health is the long-term solution. But not everyone who uses a gun to kill has a mental illness. Some kill for revenge or hate.

I am sick of hearing that “guns don’t kill, people do.” Other countries that have banned AK-15s and other assault weapons have seen deaths drop drastically. Isn’t it time for the U.S. to enact legislation against these murderous weapons?

Deborah R. Ishida, Beverly Hills
