
Readers React: Cliven Bundy’s phony war

Re “A new Sagebrush Rebellion,” Editorial, April 27

Renegade Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s ceaseless self-promotion has become ever more incredible. He has claimed that federal authorities want to kill him.

Not so. What the government really wants is the money Bundy owes for grazing his cattle on federal land. Next best would be to have him languishing in jail until he pays up.


The last thing the government wants is Bundy dying in an epic gun battle; that would spur his supporters to portray him as a folk-hero martyr.

Far better for Bundy to remain unharmed with his assets tapped to satisfy government liens.

Dennis Alston

Atwater, Calif.

Supposedly rational middle-aged men parade around in the self-glorifying garb of elite combat troops and Old West lawmen. They wield assault weapons and mimic military jargon and tactics — as if such a wacky, potentially deadly display might lend credibility to the twisted views of an aging anti-government cattle rancher.


The grotesque affectations of Bundy and his assemblage amount to rank thuggery. These aren’t patriots.

History surely will judge Bundy and his militia no less harshly than the Oklahoma City bombers or the Branch Davidians should deadly violence ensue in Nevada.

Christine Hagel



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