
Letters: A thousand words

Re “2 officers hurt in standoff,” Nov. 28

What a beautifully compassionate picture. The officer obviously cares deeply about the children he led to safety during a gun battle and standoff Wednesday in Inglewood.

We all have occasion to question some of the actions taken by our police officers, but when this kind of picture is published, it not only touches our hearts but also shows that they are not always “quick with the trigger.”

From the photo, I would guess Inglewood Police Officer Joey Zeller might himself be a family man.


This picture should have been on the front page of The Times.

Joyce Hargreaves

Redondo Beach

Starting my Thanksgiving day by seeing the warm and touching photo taken by The Times’ Bob Chamberlin of Zeller kissing a toddler whom he led to safety during a shootout in Inglewood warmed my heart.

Bringing a smile to my face and a lump in my throat, I thought what a wonderful Thanksgiving — not only for those children and the officer but for everyone who saw this evocative picture and realized that Thanksgiving comes in many packages, not the least of which is a warm hug, a sweet kiss and the look on a child’s face.

Sandy Driscoll

Los Angeles

In one photograph, The Times summed up the heart of most police officers. Thank you.

Wendy A. Robinson


This photo of Zeller kissing a toddler he had just evacuated to safety says more than a thousand words. It is all about what police officers do.


Frank King



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