
Letters to the Editor: Trump was born rich but is morally bankrupt. Compare that to Obama

Donald Trump
President Trump outside the White House on July 15.
(Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)

To the editor: President Trump, as the world bears witness, continues to serve as Exhibit A in proving the age-old adage that no amount of riches or wealth can ever imbue anyone with any level of class, dignity, honor or character. (“Rebuking Trump for his naked bigotry is the least Washington can do,” editorial, July 15)

Indeed, in starkest contrast, it is his immediate predecessor, a man of humble origin, who has embodied and exemplified those very qualities of class, dignity, honor and character that every American should demand in our nation’s leader.

Our greatest danger lies in becoming inured to the filth and stench of the Trump cesspool, lest we lose forever our national pride and self-respect.


Kurt I. Muller, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: To quote President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, “To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”

Every elected member of Congress should have this quote posted and framed in their offices.

Go back to your country? America, love it or leave it? No; it is the duty and right of every citizen to speak out for the betterment of our country.


Nina Trotta-Sutton, Simi Valley


To the editor: I was a proud registered Republican for more than 50 years.

Today, I am heartsick and ashamed to see that there are so few brave Republicans left in Congress. They have obviously drunk deeply of the Kool-Aid.

Equally frightening is the fear that if the Democrats don’t get their act together, that racist egomaniac will be reelected. God help us all.

Sandra Stubban, Stanton


To the editor: One thing I have noticed is that nobody hates to be called a racist more than a racist.

That is because, to a true racist, if he considers other races to be inferior, it is not because he is a racist. It is because they are inferior.


I believe that Trump hates to be called a racist not because it is politically damaging to him, but because it goes against everything he believes. In his mind, if he treats people of other races as inferior, it is not because he is a racist.

It is because they are inferior.

Felix Tobin, Los Angeles


To the editor: The president is a racist. The president is a racist. The president is a racist. The president is a racist. The president is a racist. The president is a racist.

Thanks for listening.

Jon Merritt, Los Angeles
