
Gear: Squid keeps your shower stuff clean

As I write from a motel room, I am more than ready to take a shower, but there’s nary a shelf to hold my shampoo, cream rinse, shaving cream, razor and other whatnots.

But I am (multi)armed with my Shower Squid. This newfangled shower caddy has a cute little rubber “head,” from which dangle nine adjustable “tentacles” to grab my supplies.

The Squid hangs by a built-in rubber noose from any shower fixture. As a bonus, the tentacles tend to hold tubes and bottles upside down, so I can just reach out, open and squeeze, without detaching the container.


Truth be told, I feel better about relying on my Shower Squid than the way-less-than-spic-and-span shelves and other surfaces in many bathrooms.

The 13-inch-long deep-shower helper comes in red, black, blue or lime green and requires little habitat of its own in your luggage.

Info: Shower Squid costs $36.


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